READ FIRST: How our blogs work

 Thank you for your interest in our class blogs! I think that they will be a great way to build community, celebrate, and grow together! I am hoping that everyone will be a member and follow the postings of others.

A few things to know:


(1) To make blog postings, you need to be an "author." Log in to Blogger by clicking the top right and create an account with your preferred email address. Email me with your email address at: and I will add you as a blog author.

(2) Anyone can post comments without signing in completely. Please leave your name on your comments so that we know who the comments came from.

(3) Click on the link "Subscribe" so that you will get updates when other people post comments.


As we get this started, there may be some kinks to work out as I figure out the best way to get people added as authors and keep everyone updated. We may also find out that we don't use all of these blogs--but I thought I'd see where it goes :) Looking forward to it!