Understanding Autism

Autism Simulations...

Wow, these are so cool. Click on this link to watch some simulations of what people with autism feel like during sensory overload. http://mashable.com/2014/04/23/autism-simulations/ Note: These videos are very loud (that's the point). Don't watch them around your children on the spectrum because they might be upsetting (too loud). Keep your volume turned up so you get the idea.


Expanding our thinking... 


Individuals with Autism

We are fortunate to have individuals in the autism community who can share how it feels to have autism. Here are some wonderful contributors to what we know about being autistic...

Movies About Autism Topics

There are some great films that explore the topic of autism to teach, encourage, and advocate.

Books Related to Autism

Reading books is another great way to learn about autism.



Resources to download/save/share:



100 Day Kit

This is a resource from Autism Speaks that is designed to help families with newly diagnosed children make "the most" of their first 100 days to become informed advocates and find quick solutions.



10 Things Your Child Wishes You Knew 



A Parent's Guide to Autism

This tool kit is specifically designed for parents of children diagnosed with autism. This Tool Kit will help parents:

  • Learn about autism and how it may impact your family.
  • Find strategies and resources for raising a child with autism.
  • Find support so you don't feel alone or isolated.
  • Reduce the negative impact of the diagnosis on your family.
  • Promote a positive future for your child and family.
Autism Speaks--A Parent's Guide to Autism.pdf    


A Sibling's Guide to Autism

This tool kit is for anyone who has a brother or sister diagnosed with autism. Though the guide has been designed for children ages 6-12, the information can be adapted as needed to other age and education levels. The guide is written in an interactive format so parents and siblings can set aside some quiet time to read the guide together. The intention is to create an opportunity for siblings to focus on their feelings, reactions to their sibling’s diagnosis and get information about autism.

  Autism Speaks--A Sibling's Guide to Autism.pdf  


A Friend's Guide to Autism

This tool kit is specifically designed for friends of families affected by autism. This tool kit will serve as a guide to help you learn:

  • More about autism.
  • How your friend may be feeling if this is a new diagnosis.
  • How to support your friend.
  • How you and your family can interact with and support the person with autism.
Autism Speaks--A Friend's Guide to Autism.pdf    


A Grandparent's Guide to Autism

This tool kit is designed specifically for grandparents of people who have been diagnosed with autism. This tool kit will help grandparents to:

  • Learn about autism and its impact on your family.
  • Discover ways to support your children who may be struggling with their child's autism diagnosis.
  • Find out ways to develop the best relationship you can with your grandchildren.
  • Feel support and encouraged so you do not feel lonely or overwhelmed.
  Autism Speaks--A Grandparent's Guide to Autism.pdf  



NOTE: Find more resources at http://autismspeaks.org


Family Support Tool Kits

Family members and friends of individuals with autism are presented with many joys and many challenges throughout their lives. Learning that a family member or friend is affected by autism is a powerful moment. People respond with a wide array of emotions: shock, grief, fear, denial, anger, acceptance, and many more. Many begin to feel their lives will never be the same. Parents can feel overwhelmed, siblings can feel isolated, grandparents can feel helpless, and friends can feel apprehensive.

In an effort to ease the fears of and provide encouragement to all people with individuals with autism in their lives, Autism Speaks has created 4 support tool kits, each designed specifically for the following groups:


The purpose of each kit is to help teach family members and friends more about autism and its effects on families, and provide resources and support to enable them to lead happy and successful lives with their loved ones with autism. 

A Parent's Guide to Autism

This tool kit is specifically designed for parents of children diagnosed with autism. This Tool Kit will help parents:

Click here to read A Parent's Guide to Autism.

A Sibling's Guide to Autism

This tool kit is for anyone who has a brother or sister diagnosed with autism. Though the guide has been designed for children ages 6-12, the information can be adapted as needed to other age and education levels. The guide is written in an interactive format so parents and siblings can set aside some quiet time to read the guide together. The intention is to create an opportunity for siblings to focus on their feelings, reactions to their sibling’s diagnosis and get information about autism.

Click here to read A Sibling's Guide to Autism.

Autism Speaks--A Parent's Guide to Autism.pdf 

Autism Speaks--A Parent's Guide to Aut
